Saturday, April 27, 2013



Date ; Server ; Time

Monday May 6th ; Avalanche (PT) ; 7:00 AM PST
Monday May 6th ; Pizza Fria (PT) ; 10:00 AM PST
Monday May 6th ; Exploradores de Hielo (ES) ; 11:00 AM PST
Monday May 6th ; Zero Grau (PT) ; 12:10 PM PST
Wednesday May 8th ; Granizo (PT) ; 4:45 AM PST
Wednesday May 8th ; Iglu (DE) ; 8:15 AM PST
Wednesday May 8th ; Zero Grau (PT) ; 8:30 AM PST
Wednesday May 8th ; Torte de Atum (PT) ; 10:00 AM PST
Wednesday May 8th ; Avalance (PT) ; 1:30 PM PST

That's about it! Thanks everyone! -Pinkster1076

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Aunt Arctic will be waddling around the island for the Marvel Superhero takeover later this month! We will be tracking her throughout the party so remember come track with us if you need her new background or stamp, we guarantee you'll find her!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Puffle Party 2013 Round-Up

This was another successful party for Club Penguin and our tracking team! We found PH over 50 times and we plan on tracking throughout the year! Be sure to stay tuned for this months party in case any mascots appear at the "Marvel Superhero Takeover". Here are some good pictures from the Puffle Party meeting PH! I got her stamp and it was really fun getting to know her!

My Girlfriend PH ^^ Holding Hands haha :D