Tracking Tips

I decided to add some tracking tips for each mascot. I am an experienced mascot tracker and I am going to give you some tips for finding each mascot.

Rockhopper- He is a diverse and difficult character to predict. He comes to 3-4 parties a year so it seems that you should have no trouble meeting him, but that's not the case! When Rockhopper logs onto Club Penguin he may visit almost any room, which even if you happen to find his current server, it can be a pain actually being in the same room as him. So usually, well as of lately, he starts at either the Beach or Town and makes his way to the cove before logging off. Make sure if he suddenly disappears to check the Pizza Parlor, Mine Shack, and Iceberg because they are forgotten rooms Rockhopper visits. Back in 08-09 Rockhopper typically was found in his ship somewhere, but now a days he rarely visits his ship, so don't overstress looking around his ship. When it comes to meet-ups for Rockhopper, he USUALLY logs in at the Town, but I've heard he has also logged it at the Beach, but the Town is the safest place to wait for Rockhopper on a meet-up. My predicted stamp color, Yellow.

Aunt Arctic- She is a tough penguin to locate. Plus the fact she usually visits 1-2 parties a year it makes it even more difficult to track her down. She, in my opinion, is the hardest mascot to find on Club Penguin. She usually sticks to 3 or 4 rooms, so if you get to her server, you should be in good shape. She usually starts at the Town and works her way to the Stage, spending significant time at the Plaza and Stage. So on meet-ups, the SMARTEST place to wait is the Town, but the SAFEST place to wait is the Plaza. My predicted stamp color, Blue, because she visits more often now a days than she used to.

Gary- He is no where near as tough to find as any other mascot. People think that Gary is the toughest to find, that is no longer the case. He used to visit 1-2 parties a year, but now he's expanded to about 3-4 parties making him an easy find. He usually visits mostly party rooms, for example the Haunted Mansion/Prehistoric Rooms. Yet, he usually starts one room away from there, so on meet-ups be sure to wait at the Forest (for the Halloween Party) and Snow Forts (for Prehistoric Party). He also may visit other parties during the year too, and at these he usually stays from the Town to the Plaza (center of the map). So for meet-ups, it depends on the party, Snow Forts for some, Forest for others, and the Town for any other party besides the Prehistoric and Halloween. My predicted stamp color, Yellow.

Cadence- She started out as a hard character to find, than became easier, but has recently become harder again in my opinion. At the Music Jam parties she's really easy to locate, because Penguin Band seems to visit less and less every year... Yet the others parties Cadence visits are usually with 1-3 other mascots, so her visits are nearly sliced into thirds. She mainly stays within a 5 room radius, not including party rooms. She usually stays from the Town to the Forest, making stops at the Night Club, and Snow Forts, or party room. So if you locate her on a server you should be fine. So on meet-ups the smartest place to wait is probably the Town because she'll definitely visit there at least once throughout the meet-up. My predicted stamp color, Blue.

PH- She is a moderate character to meet. She only visits 1 party a year, but she isn't to tough to find when she's on the island. I missed her in 2012, so I'm going off this year only! For meet-ups she'll start at the SKI VILLAGE, so wait there because everyone crowds the Plaza and Puffle Hotel, which she also visits, she'll be in dense crowds there. I don't know as much about her as I do the other mascots since I've only seen her a few times. From what I have observed though, she's really kind and interesting and fun to chat with! So remember, she goes from the Ski Village to the Plaza than the Hotel! My predicted stamp color, Red.

Penguin Band- The Penguin Band used to be moderately difficult to meet, now its nearly impossible. They visited parties several times back in the day. They were difficult to meet in 08, moderate in 09, easy in 10, and 11 they were a lot tougher, and in 2012 they didn't even visit the island for a party. Franky and Stompin Bob visited the island 5 times or so BEFORE the Ultimate Jam and that was it! This year since CeCe and Rocky are gone I hope they make a bigger appearance! Yet, when they do visit the island they typically stick to party rooms and the Town, Night Club, and Dance Lounge. They have visited the Lighthouse and Pizza Parlor before too, so if they suddenly disappear check there before you leave the server! They haven't any parties where meet-ups were schedualed, so I have no indication on where to go for meet-ups, if I had to guess, wait at the Town, or be safe and wait in a party room, ie Backstage/Rooftop. I hope they come to a party in the near future. My predicted stamp colors, I think Franky and Stompin Bob should be a Blue and Petey K and G Billy should be Red.

Herbert- He has only visited the island once, so information is somewhat limited.Yet from this one party I retrieved tons of information on meeting him. On Meet-Ups Herbert started at the Ski Village, he typically stayed in a 3-4 room radius. He went to the Dock and Beach when you bothered or crowded him. He also liked hanging out in the Paradise room since he hates cold weather. He wasn't difficult to meet, but he only visited one party so that always makes it tough. My predicted stamp color, Blue.

Rookie- He is an easy penguin to locate when he's on the island. During meet-ups I suggest waiting at the Forest for the Fall Fair and the Snow Forts for April Fools and the Mine Shack during School construction. He typically remains in party rooms and the snow forts, forest, iceberg, and mine shack. Be aware he does go to the mine shack and iceberg! He disappeared before and I checked there and we were alone because everyone thought he left! He also visits the School now as well. So my predicted stamp color for Rookie, Blue.

Sensei- When he's on, he's on. He was so easy to meet during Chinese new year. I met him 10 times in a row! He rarely visits the island, but when he does, he doesn't waste time relaxing, he likes to meet his ninjas. He typically sticks to the Dojo Courtyard, Dojo, and Ninja Hideout. For Meet-ups, he starts in the Town for about 2 minutes or so, so wait there if you want a good picture of him, otherwise be safe and wait at the Dojo Courtyard. My predicted stamp color, Blue.

CeCe and Rocky- They aren't ever visiting the island again, so if you missed them I'm sorry, good luck with mascots like this in the future, but for the record if they had stamps they would be Red, because even for me they were tough to meet!

I hope these help(ed) you and good luck from Pinkster1076 in the future while tracking mascots and remember we are always here to help! Thanks for viewing!

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